TEN WAYS TO SPOT ANTI-VITAMIN BIASES IN A SCIENTIFIC STUDY August 3, 2022TEN WAYS TO SPOT ANTI-VITAMIN BIASES IN A SCIENTIFIC STUDY by Andrew Saul "The Doctor Yourself Newsletter" 1. Where's the beef? How much of the original study is quoted in...
How Vitamin C Really Works — Or Does It? August 3, 2022The Vitamin C Conspiracy Articles proving Vitamin C cures infections How Vitamin C Really Works — Or Does It? If one of the world’s most profound meditators on the fundamentals...
History of Vitamin C August 3, 2022Albert Szent-Györgyi, Ph.D. 1893-1986 "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody has thought."— Albert Szent-Györgyi Dr. Szent-Györgyi depended on thought, as did Pauling, rather than...
Vitamins: It's The DOSE That Does it August 3, 2022[back] Anti-Vitamin studies Vitamins: It's The Dose That Does it March 2009 There is a spin to most media reporting on vitamin research. The recent anti-vitamin media blitz, led by...
Safety of Vitamin C: Urban Legends – Harri Hemilä August 2, 2022http://whale.to/a/hemila.html Vitamin C Anti-Vitamin studies Safety of Vitamin C: Urban Legends by Harri Hemilä This text is based on pages 62-63 of Hemilä (2006). This document has up to...
How Vitamin C Evidence Was Censored Because of Covid February 27, 2022https://www.theepochtimes.com/censoring-evidence-on-vitamin-c_3348956.html?welcomeuser=1 Vitamin C has collected a long list of studies looking into its effects on a range of conditions and biological processes, from immune response to neurodegenerative disease. (leonori/Shutterstock) Mind...